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If you decide to become a paid subscriber you’ll gain access to bonus content. In addition to the Medium links, and links from my blog, you’ll also get future posts containing e-books, videos, and wellness challenges.

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Every Sunday newsletter will go directly to your inbox. No more worrying whether you missed a post. I also believe in doing business where freedom of speech is supported.

One thing I’ve always promised my followers is that I will respect their inbox. I hate it when someone blows up my mail. I’ll post here during the week which you can check anytime, but I’ll only send you an e-mail with a summary of the week’s posts on Sunday. Why Sunday? I’ve always enjoyed a quiet Sunday morning with something to read over coffee.

My Philosophy

Health Without Limits Is The Ultimate Freedom

We live in a world with countless diets, fitness trackers, books, podcasts, and gadgets designed to help us get healthy. The problem is it isn’t working. Although we know more about human health than ever before our collective health is failing.

Did you know roughly 70% of the American diet is made up of processed food? All diets agree no one should eat processed food yet it’s what readily available and often the least expensive.

I pains me that people are losing their health to the simple act of eating. We’ve all witnessed others struggle with their health and many of us have our own challenges. It’s not supposed to be this way. Your ancestors didn’t survive through the centuries for you to wind up with one or more health issues.

Even if you don’t have an official diagnosis, I find people dismiss headaches, diarrhea, constipation, sleepless nights, joint pain, and mood disorders as normal. Heck, when everyone has something it does seem like this is all normal. It’s not.

The people I’ve worked with have found effortless weight loss, reduced joint pain, better sleep, better digestion, a better mood, and a way of eating that doesn’t feel like a diet.

My goal is to help you eat better. When you focus on nutrition via food amazing things happen. People who didn’t have energy suddenly discover a desire to exercise. Mental health challenges begin to fade, their sleep improves, joint pain subsides, and they learn which foods are working for them and those that work against them.

Lifestyle factors such as stress reduction, sunlight, better sleep, and spending time in nature further enhance your wellbeing.

I’ll also teach you about sensible fitness. No more exercise as a punishment for what you ate. Instead you’ll learn which types of exercise accelerate the aging process and promote injury. Studies have shown muscle mass is a determining factor in longevity. Personally, I exercise so I can keep pace with a pre-teen boy and maintain a decent level of activity in the decades ahead. My goal weight is me holding a heavy barbell.

In Health,


P.S. Everyone has a different set of health circumstances. Please work with a healthcare professional who will support your decision to adopt an ancestral health lifestyle. I write to educate and inspire and my hope is that it prompts you to ask more questions to uncover a healthy path tailored for you.

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No one should lose their health from the necessary act of eating. Health is Simple - I'll show you how.


Primal Health Coach & Writer @ Medium https://jennifermichelle-co.medium #paleo #primal #keto #primalhealthcoach #freelancewriter